
Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I almost wrote this blog post yesterday. And part of me doesn't care to post it today, either. Because the last thing (our proposal) I posted on my blog was specific and meaty and confident. And this post is, by comparison, kind of vague and hesitant (ok, so I'm kind of prideful). However, this is all part of the process, and so here we are. Thanks for coming along for the ride!

We received some GREAT (helpful) feedback on our project proposal last week. Thank you, reviewers! We worked hard to make our proposal thorough and cover many of the interests and ideas we'd discussed. Unfortunately (or probably fortunately), this also means that we were trying to cover too many bases and so needed to narrow our focus.

image from here
Yes, destination not yet reached...but we can find "joy in the journey," right President Uchtdorf? Trying to enjoy the brilliant work of the other "bikers" in the class without comparing...:)

Since we began the project- and especially since realizing where we need recalculate from where we were at last week- we have been thinking and researching and discussing and thinking some more. I think my problem is that there are so many directions to go with this project and I am attached to a lot of the topics! Blogging. Teleconferencing. Internet safety. All of these things are important for families and a catch-all blog could have allowed us to explore all of these (and more) on the surface, publishing them on our blog and hoping to attract eager readers, at least for the semester. However, while we want to create something that will matter to a lot of people, it is just as important that it can REACH a lot of people!

Did I mention at the start that this post might be kind of vague? I am going to leave you hanging now as we continue to recalculate. But we are on the verge of something great, I know it! Why? We have an amazing group of individuals working on creating something meaningful for families.

Cami understands the importance of simplifying, of setting our sights on attainable goals- a voice of reason.
Audrey has personal and work experience that give her confidence that the whole group can draw from.
Jake is an efficient organizer, helping us to set deadlines and make assignments.
Allie has big dreams and works as hard and long as is necessary to accomplish them.
And I have the gift of appreciating other people and validating their great ideas.
Hopefully, together, we can not only enjoy this journey (including the recalculating), but also arrive at some destination that we feel good about and that can help many others to establish and maintain a happy and sweet digital home.

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