
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Weekend in Review

The Avatar viewing at the Burton's house was the perfect way to start off the weekend! We enjoyed wonderful conversation and laughter, ate the most scrumptious tortellini dish (courtesy of Mrs. Karen Burton), chowed down on award-winning milk AND semi-sweet chocolate chip cookies (specialty of Mrs. Allie Crafton), and were entranced by the awesome movie! I had seen it before a couple of years ago, but enjoyed it even more this time around! Maybe it was the big screen and loud speakers - perhaps it was the delicious food that had lulled me into ultimate contentment on the couch - but whatever it was, I was absolutely captivated by the world of Pandora and by the beautifully complex issues the movie presents to students of digital culture (as well as meaning-seeking viewers everywhere). After the movie, we discussed the connections that we made and concluded that Avatar is rich with insights about what it means to closely relate to others and what it means to be "embodied" by a physical body and with our "machines."

image from here

I spent much of the day at the Provo temple baptistry where we volunteer weekly. I certainly didn't have to worry about being distracted by media there - though I did use the scanner and computer for recording finished family and temple names :). I had left my phone at home, and when I got home, found I didn't need to touch it - no texts, no calls (indicative of my popularity? whatev). I didn't use my phone at all that day, though that wasn't even a part of the diet I prescribed myself to. My media diet consisted of a fast from Facebook and blogs, my own personal "time suckers." Both are wonderful tools that I find myself gravitating to every time my browser is open. I took a several-month break from Facebook to cure my self-diagnosed addiction two years ago (which helped me a TON), but lately I've noticed that I check for updates waaay too often and have worried that I'm back in time-wasting mode these days. During my "diet," I noticed myself actually aching to open tabs for Facebook and Blogger. I used my computer for other useful purposes, but felt super annoyed at not being able to check for updates. But I didn't give in. My conclusion is that I need to set actual limits on the time I spend there. For the rest of this week, I'm tempering the full-out fast and limiting myself to thirty minutes on Facebook/day (keeping track in my planner). 

image from here
Tech moment(s) of the day: how about a live broadcast from inside the Brigham City temple celestial room?! Incredible what we can experience from afar. I'm starting to get pumped for General Conference...

Family Project Update
I won't make this blog post much longer than it already is. But know that a (hopefully) important resource for families is in the works!!! I'll post more info by Thursday.

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